The Advertiser (Adelaide) 1 April, 1911.
"Not a vestige of hope is held out for
the return of the Yongala, and she has
evidently been torn asunder by the
treacherous rocks of the Barrier Reef.
The discovery of further wreckage
confirms the worst fears of the owners
of the vessel. Probably it will be left to
such inanimate objects as the door of
the music-room mutely to tell the sad
story of the drowning of the 130 persons
on board the ill-fated steamer. The
Adelaide Steamship Company's officials
in each State, are fully satisfied that the
Yongala has been wrecked.
The only further news received by the
Adelaide secretary of the Adelaide
Steamship Company yesterday was
a telegram that the steamer Tarcoola
was continuing her search from
Flinder's Passage to Cairns, and
was expected to arrive at Cairns on
Friday afternoon. A fierce cyclonic
storm has been raging this week
along the coast in the vicinity of
Cairns. The wind is reported to be of
almost hurricane force, accompanied by
a downpour of driving rain. This cyclone
will still further scatter the remnants of the
Yongala, if such previously were jammed
on a reef or in some such position. The
tempestuous weather prevailing would
break any wreck in its sphere of influence.
Speaking with regard to the weather over
Australia generally, Mr. Griffiths, the
Assistant Meteorologist in Melbourne,
said on Thursday, that the outstanding
feature of the map was a tropical
cyclonic development that had
developed on the north-east coast
of Queensland. "Within the last few
hours," said Mr. Griffiths, "the storm
has increased considerably in
energy. Strong gales, accompanied
by heavy rain is to be expected and
shipping on that part of the coast
should be prepared for some trying
experience. The rough conditions
are likely to extend southwards