Tuesday, 27 September 2016


The Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday, 29 March, 1911.


... wreckage washed ashore at Cape Bowling 
Green, a notoriously treacherous spot, and 
elsewhere, is ominous, and little hope remains.
The Yongala had on board 141 souls all told
— a crew of 73 and 68 passengers in all classes
It is feared that all have been lost.

According to the wreck report, there were 48 passengers and 72 crew = 120. How could such a discrepancy arise? In fact other sources quote a total complement of 122



for passenger and crew names.

Cape Bowling Green, where what is believed to be portion of the Yongala's cargo 
came ashore yesterday, is an extremely dangerous portion of the coastline. Shoal 
waters extend for a considerable distance eastward, the banks in the vicinity are 
constantly shifting, and the tidal streams set strongly and irregularly over them. 
The lighthouse stands 70 feet above high water, and shows a light visible 44 miles. 
Great caution is necessary when navigating in this neighbourhood. So much water 
is thrown over the Barrier Reef and through the Barrier openings by the heavy sea 
that the currents in the inner route become very erratic at such times.

These conditions might explain why a mariner in a previous post suggested that Captain Knight should have hauled north-north-east after clearing the islands, perhaps to avoid the 'shoal waters extending for a considerable distance eastward''. The 'erratic currents' would certainly have contributed to deteriorating circumstances within a tropical cyclone. It must have been terrifying last minutes. 
On Monday, as on Sunday, excited crowds
watched the notice-boards at the G.P.O. in
Brisbane, and with every passing hour their
anxiety increased. Many were waiting for
relatives and friends. But no news came
until yesterday. With the finding of the
wreckage the watchers gave up hope.
The Queensland manager for the Adelaide
S.S. Company, Mr. E. B. Wareham, stated
that the bags of bran and pollard had been
identified as part of the Yongala's cargo, which
had been shipped at Brisbane. The bags had
been placed in No. 3 lower hold, a secure 
part of the vessel, and the fact that they had 
been washed ashore caused him to entertain 
the gravest fears regarding the vessel.

This suggested that the hull had been ripped open or the main hatch had breached inundating the vessel with tons of water which displaced the cargo.
Cape Bowling Green is 40 miles south of
Townsville. A message from Townsville 
received yesterday stated that wreckage was
floating about Cleveland Bay, and that a 
number of oil drums, coal baskets, timber
etc., had been seen.
Last night a search boat reported on returning 
to Townsville that a quantity of wreckage had 
been found in the vicinity of Keppel Reef
including two cases of kerosene, two
bathroom gratings, portion of a cabin 
trunk, two lifebuoys bearing no marks, 
and two pillows marked "A. S. Coy."

Kerosene was stowed on Yongala's deck. If ever there was movable cargo it was this! 
The weather along the Queensland coast 
towards the end of last week was exceedingly
bad. It has been very severe, in fact, for the
past fortnight.
Captain Milson, of the steamer Guthrie,
which arrived in Sydney last Wednesday from
the north, reported having met the full force
of the cyclone which passed over Northern
Queensland, wrecking the township of Port
Douglas, and doing great damage also at 
Mossman and other places.
The force of the gale, he said, was terrific,
and his vessel was in danger all the time
the gale lasted. The indications of the storm
were seen before his vessel reached 
Rockhampton, and on the afternoon of the 
16th inst. he brought the ship to anchor 
inside Low Woody Island. Two anchors 
were lowered with 120 fathoms of chain on 
each. During the afternoon the wind increased 
in violence, and the sea rose rapidly until it 
was impossible to move about the decks. 
Two lifeboats were blown or washed from 
their tackle, all movable obstacles were 
washed overboard, the tarpaulins were 
stripped from the hatches, and the top of 
the bridge roof was blown away. A change in 
the wind caused a most dangerous cross sea, 
which continually swept the ship fore and aft, 
and several times she was almost thrown on 
her beam ends.
A vessel in light trim, Captain Milson said,
would have a poor chance in such a gale.
Yongala was in light trim and the description of a dangerous cross sea throwing the vulnerable steamer onto her 'beam ends' ---> rolling over, is most sobering.

The steamers Cooma, Taiyuan, and Wodonga, 
appear to have experienced the same weather 
as the Yongala, but reached their destination safely.
Captain Mackay, of Brisbane, speaks of the
storm as of quite exceptional violence, and
points to the fact that the Taiyuan had two
of her boats blown away while sheltering
north of Dent Island.
Note that most of these vessels took shelter and dropped anchor. Why did Captain Knight not do this?

The steamer Grantala, a sister ship to the
Yongala, arrived at Brisbane on Monday, after
a trying trip from Cairns, during which she
had to run into shelter from the hurricane.
It was usual for these two boats to pass each
other, in the night between Townsville and
Bowen. They should have passed on Thursday 
night — the night of the storm — but Captain
Sim, of the Grantala, saw nothing of the other
vessel's lights. He was not surprised at this,
in view of the dirtiness of the weather, which
he described as the worst he had experienced
during the two years he had been in charge
of the Grantala.

Captain Sim also made the sensible decision to take shelter in Bowling Green Bay. It was unlikely that he would have seen Yongala's lights under these circumstances. The wreck site is 11 miles from the Cape Bowling Green Light and possibly as much as 17 miles from the position of the Grantala.
Cape Bowling Green, where part of the cargo
has come ashore, marks a very dangerous
part of the coast. The light is visible 14 miles
out at sea. Mariners are warned to exercise
great caution when navigating the waters 
of this neighbourhood.
Not all mariners exercised great caution on the night of 23 March, but there again perhaps Captain was committed to a course and destiny.

In January, 1890, a very heavy easterly and
south-east gale, with torrents of rain, was
experienced by H.M.S. Dart in the vicinity of
Cape Bowling Green. The barometer fell to
29.68. So much water is thrown over the
Barrier Reef and through the Barrier 
openings after a heavy sea that the currents 
in the inner route become very erratic at such
times. The Dart was set 33 miles north 60
degrees west in 24 hours, and subsequently 
10 miles north 50 degrees east in 12 hours.
In 1875 the Gothenberg was totally wrecked
on one of the reefs in the vicinity of Cape
Bowling Green, and the steamer Quetta was
wrecked north of that point some 21 years ago.

The point has been thoroughly made that the section of coast in question was challenging at the best of times and treacherous in a cyclone. The rapidly dropping barometer on board Yongala should have been sufficient warning of conditions to be expected. In light trim one does wonder what was going on in the minds of master and officers....


The Advertiser (Adelaide) Wednesday 5 April, 1911

Miss Susan Andrew, a stewardess on the
Yongala, was a resident of West Hindmarsh 
for ten years in the home of her
parents, who are now dead. In early life
she lived in the Gawler River district for
many years Her sister is a stewardess on
the steamer Ferret.

SS Ferret (courtesy wikipedia)


The Advertiser (Adelaide) Saturday 1 April, 1911.

The fate of Mrs. English, the chief
stewardess, it is stated, completes a double
tragedy of the sea. She was the widow of
Captain English, who was part owner of
the Glenelg, a little steamer running some
years ago between Melbourne and the
Gippsland lakes. The Glenelg foundered,
the captain was drowned, and only three
or four hands escaped. The Masonic Lodge
of which Captain English was a member
wished to establish his widow in business.
She declined the proffered assistance
preferring to follow the sea to earn a living
for herself and daughter. Miss English is
being educated in Melbourne.

Glenelg (courtesy Flotilla Australia)


The Advertiser (Adelaide) Saturday 1 April, 1911.

Brisbane, March 31.
The steamer Queensland arrived at
Maryborough this afternoon from
Townsville. Captain Wilson reported that 
vessel left Townsville on Tuesday afternoon
for Maryborough. Moderate south-east to
southerly winds, with smooth seas, were
experienced throughout the trip. "On leaving 
Townsville he instructed everyone on board to
keep a keen look-out for signs of wreckage, 
and on Wednesday last, when passing Mount 
Roundback, some apples were seen floating 
about. At about 11.15 a-m. the same day, the 
Queensland was passing Nares Rock, when 
he noticed that the rock presented an 
appearance that differed from what he had 
been accustomed to for the past 36 years. 
During that time the rock had a black appearance, 
but on this occasion a patch of white was presented 
to view. The Queensland was hove-to, and a man 
dispatched in a boat to make close examination of 
the rock, and on his return to the steamer he 
reported having found a large new break on 
the southern side, and a number of large pieces 
of stone recently broken off were lying at the foot 
of Nares, with smaller pieces and a lot of splinters.
The rock appeared lo have been struck by
some heavy object or subjected to attack
by some high explosives. The fact that
Nares Rock is composed of hard blue
metal precludes the idea that the break
was caused by waves dashing against the
cliff. An examination was made at a low
water and the break was found to extend
right to the waters edge. The mate also 
picked up a handful of case-hardened bullets,
but they appeared to have been in the
water a considerable time. Captain Wilson 
expresses the opinion that the break
in the rock was not more than a week old.
He added that, deep water extended right
up to the rock.

A Customs officer at Mackay, who was
formerly stationed at Bowen, says that
for a number of years warships on the
Australian station when in northern
waters have used Nares Rock as a target
for gun practice, and he thinks this might
account for the break discovered by the
masters of the Queensland and Ouraka.
Mr. Wareham, manager of the Adelaide
Company, stated to-night that nothing had
been received from Cairns or Townsville
respecting the search for the Yongala. Mr.
Wareham said he had instructed the
Townsville office, in the event of the
Tarcoola failing to locate the wreck, to 
dispatch the company's small steamer 
Pelican aft daylight on Saturday to search the
reefs southwards from Keeper Reef right
down to the boulders off Cape Upstart, where 
the Gothenburg was wrecked. ''The Pelican," 
said Mr. Wareham, "is a small craft, and will be 
able to go right over the reefs."
Brisbane. March 31,
The mayor of Brisbane decided to-day to
call a meeting of citizens for Tuesday in
connection with the disaster to the Yongala 
to discuss means for showing practical
sympathy with those of the bereaved who
need assistance. The Governor sent a letter
to the mayor expressing his deep regret at
the loss of the steamer, and enclosed a
cheque for £10 as a contribution to the
mayor's fund.
The police patrolling Barratta Creek to
Cape Bowling Green picked up a case 
of pears north of Sheep Station Creek
branded S. and A. in red and T. in a black


The Advertiser (Adelaide) Saturday 1 April, 1911.

Melbourne, March 31.
Mr. Hunt, the Federal Meteorologist,
suggests that the wreck of the Yongala
advances yet another argument for the 
general equipment of at least all passenger
steamers with a wireless installation, so that
vessels making long runs on the coastline
may be warned of the existence, approach,
or development, of dangerous weather
conditions. The department, he points out,
addressed a circular note to all companies
whose vessels carry wireless installation,
and has without exception received promises 
of co-operation. Owing to the absence of land 
stations, only one message has been received, 
which was followed up by an account for 50/. 
He advises that at the next meeting of the 
shipping interests the subject of co-operation 
with the department should be discussed, and 
its decision communicated to the Government.

The SS Waratah disappeared without trace off the South African coast mid 1909. She was not fitted with a Marconi wireless. Subsequent to the tragedy this important form of communication generated much attention, spurring legislators to make wireless compulsory on vessels of a certain size. 

This report raised a very important issue. It was no good installing wireless on vessels if there were no stations to receive or issue SOS's and warnings. Yes, vessels with wireless could communicate with one another but this had limitations given the fact that most steamers on the coastal route did not carry a Marconi.

It is also important to note in this regard that the Koombana, which disappeared without trace, exactly a year later, carried wireless to no avail. Only one lad station at Perth, more than 800 miles away.

1905 - Australia's Wireless Telegraphy Act - limited to ship navigation and land-based amateurs.

1906 - Marconi Company opened stations at Queenscliff (Australia) and East Devonport (Tasmania).

1910 - first ship-to-shore station, Sydney. 

1911 - second station opened roof of the Australia Hotel.

1912 - permanent stations opened Melbourne; Perth; Sydney; Hobart and Brisbane.

1913/1914 - many stations introduced for ship-to-shore services, including islands. 19 radio telegraph stations operating from Australia for ships at sea.

Guglielmo Marconi demonstrating his apparatus 1890's (courtesy wikipedia)


Monday, 26 September 2016


The Advertiser (Adelaide) Wednesday 1 April, 1911.

Mr. E. Northcote, general manager of
the Adelaide Steamship Company, in 
Melbourne, interviewed on Wednesday, 
said it was evident that the Yongala had 
foundered with all hands during the recent 
bad weather on the Queensland coast. He
hardly thought that any lives would be
saved, as no boat could live for an instant
in the sea during a cyclonic disturbance.
The Yongala was built in 1903. Asked
how he accounted for the date ''1900" being
engraved near the word "Festina' on the
music-room door found by the Alert,
Mr. Northcote replied that the Adelaide
Steamship Company was incorporated in
1900, being reconstructed and an increase
made in the capital. The word "Festina"
was part of the company's crest and motto,
"Festina Lente," and the year 1900 was
engraved underneath. The door was an
inner one, opening into the music-room
from a landing off the promenade deck.

Questioned as to the probable locality of
the wreck, as indicated by the wreckage,
an officer who has for over 20 years been
trading regularly to Queensland ports, said 
Captain Knight, on emerging from the
shelter of Hook Island, would haul round
to the north-north-east. The site of the
wreck must be one of the reefs fringing
the Barrier Reef. At the commencement
of a storm on that portion of the coast,
the wind blew from the south-east. That
would account for wreckage having been
found as far up as Keepers' Reef. The
currents varied daily, setting north with
the ebb and south with the flood-tide.

It is strange that this experienced officer suggested that Yongala would have 'hauled' round to the 'north-north-east', after leaving the shelter of Hook Island. If one looks at the image below, this would be heading away from Yongala's destination, towards the Barrier Reef.