Wednesday, 2 November 2016


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911.

BRISBANE, Thursday - In view of the
widespread statements that the Yongala
"turned turtle," Mr. Wareham flatly 
contradicted the possibility, and pointed 
out that the steamer had been running 
on the coast in the interstate trade for 
eight years - five years running between 
Sydney and Fremantle. Consequently she 
crossed the Australian Bight every four weeks, 
often with less than 100 tons of cargo and not 
more than 200 or 300 tons of coal. She never 
gave owners, master, crew, or passengers any
cause for uneasiness on account of her 
behaviour. It was unreasonable to suppose
that the Yongala, which left Brisbane with
2,000 tons weight in her bottom and only 5
tons of cargo on deck, could turn turtle.

This initial reaction from a representative of the owners is interesting. The scene was set for the Inquiry to come; under no circumstances was Yongala to be presented as a tender steamer which could have turned turtle in a cyclone. But the rumours were there as soon as one week after the disaster. Yongala did indeed have a good track record, particularly across the Bight. 

However, Mr. Wareham failed to mention that she carried 164 tons of pig iron ballast to compensate for minimal cargo and coal during these runs. The distance between Fremantle and Adelaide is 1720 n miles. Yongala consumed, on average, 60 tons of coal per day. Cruising at a modest 12 knots she would have taken 6 days = 360 tons of coal. Mr. Wareham already as early as 31 March, was prone to exaggeration in favour of dispelling the rumours and exaggerating Yongala's capabilities. 

He protested too much! 

It is known from the Inquiry that Yongala departed Brisbane with 11 tons on deck. Again, Mr. Wareham attempted to underplay the top heavy component by reducing this figure to 5 tons. It is interesting to note that Yongala had a jerky recovery when steaming in ballast with the 164 tons of pig iron (forward). The pig iron lowered the centre of gravity, raising GM, and with it the righting force recovering from a list. It appears that a concentrated focus of specific gravity lowest down in the ship had a remarkable effect on the righting powers of the steamer.

This reminds me of the Waratah. Captain Ilbery, finally on the last voyage, had sorted out Waratah's inherently tender condition by adding 1,500 tons of lead concentrates in a lower hold at 11 cubic feet to the ton, 8 ft. high. This produced a stable steamer with a GM of 1.9 ft.. However, the increased righting force, as in the case of Yongala, produced a jerky recovery which had passengers falling on the promenade deck during the voyage from Adelaide to Durban.  

Yongala, I believe that the absence of the pig iron had a significant impact on tenderness and being 34% full in terms of cargo dead weight, and a prominent funnel, made Yongala tender and vulnerable to turning turtle in a gale. 

The West Australian, 13 April, 1912.

- To the Editor.

"Sir, now I that the missing Koombana
may certainly be listed as lost, like the
Waratah and Yongala, the travelling public
might very well be interested in studying
for themselves the simple proposition of 
stability in ships. This proposition lies buried
in scientific jargon as far as the man in the
Street is concerned, and can easily be 
demonstrated in ordinary language. 

It is a long time since Archimedes proved. 
that a floating body is exactly the same 
weight as the water it displaces. A steamer, 
with whatever cargo or ballast she may 
have in her, is exactly the same weight as 
the water she displaces. The water she 
displaces is what would fill the cavity her 
weight and shape impose below the water 
line or surface of the water. Exactly in the 
centre of this cavity, in which the floating 
ship fits lies the vessel's centre of buoyancy, 
and through this centre there acts an upward 
pressure from the sea in its endeavour to 
become level against the weight of the ship. 

When a steamer is floating upright, this 
centre of buoyancy lies midships in a 
vertical line or plane, dividing the vessel 
in two. If one thinks of  a partition being 
built from stem to stern amidships from 
the keel upward, then in this partition lies 
the centre of buoyancy when the steamer 
stands upright, and it lies nearly half-way 
between the keel. and the water line. 

The water line is a imaginary line or plane 
joining, from side to side through the vessel 
the  surfaces of the surrounding sea. Not any
of the painted lines on the hull often alluded
to as the "water line." When a steamer
heels over; that is lists or rolls from side to
side part of her hull comes out above the
level of the sea on one side and another part
sinks further in on the other side. When
this happens the centre of buoyancy changes
position in the hull while always retaining
its position about the centre of whatever
portion of the hull is immersed. Thus, as
she rolls to starboard, it leaves the assumed
partition amidships, moving to starboard,
returning to partition, and then towards
port as she rolls from starboard, through
upright, and then to port.

As before explained, there is always an
upward pressure from the ocean in a 
straight line perpendicular to its level
surface through this moving centre of 
buoyancy and that line always passes 
through a given point in the midships 
partition above it. This point is termed 
the "meta centre" by experts and it will 
readily be imagined that the centre of 
buoyancy swings from side to side like 
a pendulum suspended from it, when
the vessel is rolling at sea.

There is now the centre of gravity, which
everyone nowadays understands is simply
the centre of weight to be considered as it
must readily be realised that a vessel's
centre of gravity depends upon the amount 
of cargo or ballast she may be carrying and
how such is stowed or disposed in her holds.
But once the cargo or ballast is placed, stowed,
or, disposed in the vessel, the centre of 
gravity remains constant, and does not
shift (unless the cargo shifts), like the centre
of buoyancy. If the vessel be stowed properly 
it will be found somewhere in the assumed 
midships partition and at a point below meta 
centre point. The pressure from the weight of 
the ship is always in the direction of an assumed 
plumb line hanging from the centre of gravity point, 
and as the vessel rolls at sea this plumb line or 
direction of pressure swings from side to side
in harmony with the line of buoyancy, exactly 
coinciding when the vessel is upright, and parallel, 
with an increasing distance between them as the 
vessel rolls to one side. 

The degree of stability- that is safety from capsizing 
- depends on the distance of the meta centre above 
the centre of gravity. This distance is termed the meta 
centric height. (GM). The force downward from the
centre of gravity is exactly equal to the force 
upward exerted by the ocean endeavouring to 
get level; and these two forces tend to right the ship 
when the undulations of the sea swing her away
from the upright. The greater the metacentric 
height which is the same as saying the greater 
the safety from capsizing, the more uncomfortable 
the vessel to travel on. The more leverage the forces 
of buoyancy and gravity have the more quickly 
they can right the vessel swaying on the undulating 
surface. Too great safety from capsizing brings about 
other dangers. Sailing vessels with heavy dead-weight 
cargoes have been known to lose their masts and 
strain their hulls to such an extent, in so rolling, their
masts out, that they have sprung a leak and

Iron and such like heavy cargoes have often to 
be stowed in narrow trunkways or on platforms
especially built in the ship to keep her centre
of gravity higher when loaded. When we hear
people say that such and such a vessel is a 
grand seaboat, etc., etc., such a vessel may 
have been very unsafe on that particular voyage, 
her very unsafety contributing to the comfortable 

It may be taken for granted there is very little
difference in modern cargo vessels when
carrying complete cargoes that nearly fill
them. With like loading they may safely
be expected to behave much the same in
similar storms. The common design for such
vessels provides a breadth equal to about
twice the moulded depth below the main
deck,and as there are no passengers
carried there is very little superstructure
above the main deck. When we consider
passenger steamers, however, the tendency
to build additional decks and keep the 
passengers' accommodation all above the main
deck is most noticeable. Everyone prefers a
nice airy cabin to the stuffy ones which were
once the vogue, and all below the main deck.
Here it is an open question whether we are 
not sacrificing safety for comfort and carrying 

The fact that we have had the Waratah,
Yongala, and Koombana mysteries in these 
latitudes during the last three years is sufficient 
excuse for the public requiring some practical
and expert investigation made on their behalf. 
In the case of the Waratah it seems abundantly 
clear, from the evidence given at the Law Courts 
that this vessel was not considered to have 
sufficient ballasting powers when sailing without 
cargo, to counteract the weight of superstructure
supplying the passenger accommodation. She
was to some extent in the same predicament as 
our famous sailing clippers of last century, which 
needed nearly half a cargo of ballast to go seeking 
for cargoes from one port to another. 

When the Waratah was lost she had nearly a 
full cargo on board and whatever her degree 
of stability was when empty, had surely nothing 
to do with her degree of stability when loaded. 
Yet, as far as  the writer can learn, there was 
little or no evidence forthcoming as to the weight 
and disposal of the cargo she had when lost.

In the case of the Koombana there is
considerable food for reflection. She was
probably carrying less than 500 tons of
cargo and:appears to have been engulfed
in the centre of a "willy-willy." It the opinion 
of the writer that the Koombana in light trim 
was not fit to encounter a hurricane centre.
The writer has been caught near a cyclone 
centre off Mauritius in a sailing vessel, and 
remembering how that vessel, although in 
ideal load and trim was.smothered under 
almost bare poles with bulwarks under water 
and hatch comings awash, he cannot conceive 
it possible for a steamer like the Koombana 
in light trim, exposing such an area of 
superstructure to such a force of wind, to live 
through it.

The question is, 'Is it a legitimate risk to send
such a vessel in such a trim into hurricane
latitudes in hurricane seasons?" 

It must be remembered that the law of
storms is getting on towards being an exact
science, with barometers to provide indications
of approach; and with means to indicate the 
vessel's position from the centre and to show 
from collected data the most probable path of 
the centre, a good steamer with an experienced 
and expert master should easily avoid being 
caught. It is a matter of vigilance and judgment
just as is the case with a pedestrian avoiding
motor cars. These remarks are applicable.
to cyclones, typhoons, and other well
known and studied storms, but have we
done our duty with the Nor'-West
"willy-willy" ?? Is there a published hand
book with information; instructions; and
suggestions as is the case in other 
hurricane parts of the,world for the
safety of mariners. If not, is it not a work 
worth taking in hand at once?

'Yours; etc.,


Fremantle, April.

SS Yongala

SS Waratah - Port Adelaide.


The Mercury, Hobart, Saturday 18 March, 1911.

BRISBANE, March 17.
A terrific cyclone struck Cains on
Thursday morning. The barometer
fell to 29.50 and the wind blew with
hurricane force, and was accompanied
by torrential rain.
The balcony and roof of the Railway
Hotel were lifted over the buildings.
The Queen Hotel had a portion of
the roof stripped off.
One cottage was lifted bodily off the
blocks, and the cargo sheds at the
wharf suffered.
The Chillagoe Mining Company's
house was unroofed and one gust tore
the roof and the balcony off the Empire
Hotel, and stove in the side wall.
A whole row of shops in Spence
street were more or less damaged.
Damage of a less serious degree was
done to other properties.
Nelson, on the Mulgrave River also
experienced the full force of the cyclone
and a good deal of damage was done there.

This cyclone struck Cairns a week before Yongala steamed into one off Cape Bowling Green. It was clearly a season of multiple cyclones off the Queensland coast. My thoughts return to the fact that data was collected from a great number of the more than 800 stations along the Queensland coast, showing a pattern of barometer changes warning of an approaching cyclone, as early as 9 am, 23 March. Cyclones could move at variable speeds, some alleged to be as fast as 100 miles per hour. The cyclone associated with the Yongala came from the northeast and if this was indeed a season of multiple cyclones, surely the data would have been patched through to Mr Hunt at the Federal Meteorological Bureau for IMMEDIATE processing and a formal cyclone warning issued to Brisbane and further up the coast as soon as humanly possible to warn shipping? Yongala departed Flat-Top at 1.40 pm, 23 March, which had given the Meteorological Centre 41/2 hours to issue the warning. This system was useless in the event of cyclones moving at 100 miles per hour towards a vulnerable coast line. Not one word of this was discussed at the Marine Inquiry.

The image below illustrates a further complexity. More than one cyclone could occur at the same time. This pattern could potentially have caused great confusion in terms of barometer readings and the extrapolated pattern/s of storm systems and might account for the delays in data analysis at the Meteorological Bureau at Melbourne?? But there again there is no evidence that more than one cyclone was present off Queensland, 23 March, 1911. It does, combined with the account above, suggest that there might have been a somewhat blase attitude towards these 'frequently occurring' systems and in part could have been the reason for Grantala, Captain Sim, departing Townsville at 4 pm, 23 March, when the warning must have been issued by Melbourne by this time. Perhaps masters judged the severity of the conditions at sea, some like Captain Sim, deciding to put into the shelter of Bowling Green Bay, by 7.30 pm, 23 March. 

Cyclones Marcia and Lam, February, 2015.

The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911.

Brisbane, Thursday.—A telegram from  
Cairns, timed 3 p.m. today stated that a        
cyclone storm was raging. The wind was
almost of hurricane force, accompanied by a
downpour of driving rain and a heavy sea
rolling in. There is every sign of the 
disturbance continuing.
Owing to the cyclone weather, the
steamer Mourilyan could not leave 
Cooktown last night for Townsville. 
Interuptions to the telegraph lines 
at Palmerville and Fairview have 
isolated Thursday Island.

Further proof that there were a series of 'cyclones' striking the Queensland coast during the period. This one a week after the Yongala disaster.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


The Register, Adelaide, Wednesday 21 June, 1911.

She carried general cargo and passengers 
for north ports, and reached Mackay on March 23.
The weight of the cargo in the vessel was
667 tons, almost entirely in the lower hold,
and properly stowed. There was 553 tons
in the 'tween deck, 40 tons of which were
for Mackay, and 11 tons on the deck, 10
of which was also for Mackay.

This is a contradictory report. Either lower hold or 'tween deck. Not both!

If most of the cargo, 553 tons (82%), was stowed in the 'tween deck which was certainly not the lowest point in the hold and being elevated would have had a negative impact on the centre of gravity - shifting it up in the vessel - reducing the GM, which in effect would have made the steamer even more tender (top heavy). 

I doubt whether this was true.

This cross-section illustration gives one an immediate idea of where the 'Between' or 'tween deck was relative to cargo storage in the lowest part of hold number 3.

Fix t

Monday, 31 October 2016


Returning to the following extracts:

"I observe," continued Mr. Denham,
"that at a conference held recently at
Adelaide, some comment was made about 
providing communication between the light-
houses and Brisbane. At my request,
Capt. Mackay went into this matter, and
furnishes some interesting information.
He shows that the following lighthouses
are in direct telegraphic communication
with Brisbane, or they are able to
communicate by telephone, to telegraph 
stations giving connection with Brisbane:
Cape Moreton, Caloundra, Double Island
Point, Woody Island, Sandy Cape, Burnett 
Islands, Bustard Heads, Cape Capricorn, 
Flat-top, Cape Bowling Green, Cape
Cleveland, Archer Point, Grassy Island,
and Goode Island.

'...Queensland coast. Except at Cape 
Moreton, not a lighthouse is equipped with 
a Morse lamp.'

It must be clearly stated at this juncture that there was no Light at Grassy Island, nor means of communication with the mainland.

It is sobering that there was neither means of communication with the mainland at Dent Island and neither was there a Morse Lamp - no communications after dark possible.