Monday 19 September 2016


Queensland Times, Friday 31 March 1911.


As already stated the Mrs. Murray,
who was a passenger on the
Yongala, is the wife of Mr. Abi Murray,
solicitor, Cairns, and partner of
Mr. C. B. Lilley, son of the late
Sir Charles Lilley. She is the
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Sheppard, ex-traffic manager at
Picton, New South Wales. She was
returning to her home at Cairns;
after a six months' visit to Sydney 
and the Blue Mountains. The
children with her were Ian, aged 6;
Alister, aged 5; Dan, aged 3; and
Ailsa Mary, aged 8 weeks, who was
born at Leura. Mr. Abi Murray, owing
to pressure of business, was unable
to go to Sydney to bring home
his wife and family, and thus he
has never seen his infant daughter.
His mother, Mrs. Alex. Murray,
accompanied by her second daughter,
Miss Annie Darling Murray, returned
to Brisbane two weeks ago, after a
three years' trip to Scotland. Miss
Annie Murray was not a passenger,
as previously stated.

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