Monday, 7 November 2016


Cairns Post, Thursday 6 April, 1911.

Whitsunday Passage.
The following particulars of Whitsunday 
Passage and the Great Barrier Reef,
in the vicinity of the scene of the supposed 
wreck, extracted from the official sailing 
directions, throw graphic light upon the
perils of the trip in such violent
weather as was encountered by the
Yongala :-The northern termination
of the inner channel of Whitsunday
Passage is bounded to the eastward
by Shaw, Dent, Whitsunday, Cid.
and Hook Islands, and the islets 
between Hook Isle and the northern-
most of the Cumberland Islands end
is bounded to the westward by the
shoal lying off Cape Conway and
Round Head, Molle Isles, and the
islets which lie scattered to the
eastward of Cape Gloucester. The
least breadth of Whitsunday Passage
is two miles, between Dent Islands
and Pine Head, to the northward of
which it increases to four and seven
miles The existence of a rock not
charted, situated one mile from the 
south-west point of Hook Island has
been reported, and masters of vessels 
are warned not to approach its locality
nearer than two miles. On a dark night 
or in thick weather it is wiser to go north 
of all the islands lying to the eastward of 
Gloucester Head. Coasters and shipmasters
with local knowledge frequently use the 
channel between Armit and Gumbrell Islands, 
but there is very little difference in distance 
between any of the routes.

The 'rock' in question might have been one of the main reasons for risking the inside passage between Armit and Gumbrell. Note that the comment was to avoid the islands altogether and go what amounted to around the Whitsundays to the east.
Anchorages in this area are as
follows :- under the north head of
Dent island, well sheltered from the
S.E; Port Molle under the R. W. end
of Long Island ; between the mainland 
and White Rock, sheltered from all winds; 
Grimstone Bay - good anchorage with 
shelter from westerly and southerly winds.

This passage suggests that there were adequate options for anchorage within the Whitsundays. The implication being that to go into this maze of islands would be to seek shelter and not a 'short-cut'.
From Gloucester Head to Cape
Bowling Green the track is clear of
all dangers. The course given leads
a vessel 3 1/4 miles to the southward
of Nares Rock, and about 13 miles
off the highest point of Cape Upstart, 
a high abrupt mass of land composed 
of granite rocks and scantily wooded, 
rising 2420 ft. above sea level. When 
approaching Cape Bowling Green care 
should be taken that the vessel is going 
to pass far enough off (at least five miles)
(Yongala was 11 miles) to avoid the shoals 
off the point. The banks in this vicinity are 
constantly shifting, and the tidal streams set
strongly and irregularly over them.

It is clear from this article that it was viewed as risky to go through the Whitsundays at all during inclement weather. Yongala passed through while there was the 'threat of stormy conditions' but not overtly poor visibility.

There was no getting around the fact that caution favoured by-passing the Whitsundays which was certainly not the course of action taken by Captain Knight.

They were never to know then, 1911, that the master supreme brought his steamer to a point well within a safe steamer track course off Cape Bowling Green, where nature had the final say.

Saturday, 5 November 2016


The following extract continues to intrigue and confound me. It is taken from The Brisbane Courier, Saturday 20 May, 1911:

"I observe," continued Mr. Denham,
"that at a conference held recently at
Adelaide, some comment was made about 
providing communication between the light-
houses and Brisbane. At my request,
Capt. Mackay went into this matter, and
furnishes some interesting information.
He shows that the following lighthouses
are in direct telegraphic communication
with Brisbane, or they are able to
communicate by telephone, to telegraph 
stations giving connection with Brisbane:
Cape Moreton, Caloundra, Double Island
Point, Woody Island, Sandy Cape, Burnett 
Islands, Bustard Heads, Cape Capricorn, 
Flat-top, Cape Bowling Green, Cape
Cleveland, Archer Point, Grassy Island,
and Goode Island. 

It has proved difficult to establish the details of the Lighthouse (station) on Grassy Island referred to and in telegraphic / telephonic communication with the mainland - Brisbane. If one looks at present day images of Grassy Island it is deserted without any outward evidence of buildings or infra-structure. I have found Trove evidence that people lived on Grassy Island, 1911, but nothing about a lighthouse or keeper. I do not believe Captain Mackay would have listed Grassy Island unless it was relevant. I do not believe that he confused it with Grassy Hill Light. So where to from here?

Why would there have been any form of Light on Grassy Island? For the answer to this we need to go back in time before 1911. The following extract is taken from The Argus, Melbourne, Monday 5 November, 1866:

'Ackhurst Island is about a mile in length from north to south, and about the same width from east to west, is 545 ft. high, and is covered with grass and a few trees on its summit.'

So what's all this about Ackhurst Island? Grassy Island was originally called Ackhurst Island. Commander G.S. Nares (Nares Rock) of HMS Salamander (1866) named the island after his boatswain, John Ackhurst.

'The soundings around it are from five to three fathoms. Off its northwest point is a shoal of one and a half fathoms. There are also two smaller islands off the north point, one forty feet high and the other, ten feet. The forty foot high island has a reef off its south end, and the channel between it and Ackhurst Island is blocked by the shoal aforementioned. The ten feet high island has from six to ten fathoms all round, and the channel between it and the forty feet high is free from danger, with soundings from six to ten fathoms.'

'Olden Island is 300 ft. high with grass and trees near its summit. A sandy spit runs off its south entrance. Off the southeast end of this island is a rocky island, about 20 ft. high, connected to Olden Island by a reef. Between Olden Island and the main (land) is good anchorage, and the channel is free from danger.'

'Cannor or Gumbrill Island is 390 ft. high; has a reef running around its east side; outside of which the soundings are deep, having from six to nine fathoms all around the island. The channel between it and Olden Island is about two miles wide, with soundings from nine and a half to thirteen fathoms in it.'

So what is to be made of all of this? The images below give important clues. Steamers using the narrow inside passage from Dent Island via Cannon Valley, Grassy Island and up between (2 miles wide) Gumbrell and Armit Islands were confronted with one dangerous point where bearings needed to be radically altered. This point, as can be seen from the images, is directly off the northern point of Grassy (Ackhurst) Island. If a steamer over-ran this point there was only a 1 n mile separation from the shoal north of Grassy Island. If there was going to be a Light, the northern side of Grassy Island would have been the most crucial position to warn steamers in darkness and conditions of poor visibility. 

Further to this, the dangerous inside passage was used by many coastal steamers and Grassy Island was the penultimate island before exiting the safety of the Whitsunday Islands. If there were storm warnings this would have been the point to let masters know to seek anchorage within the islands, hence telegraphic communication with the mainland. In conditions of good visibility I'm sure it was possible to hail passing steamers, but in conditions of significantly diminished visibility the keeper would have required a Morse Lamp to communicate the warning. Again, drawing from period newspaper articles, the emphatic point was made that only Cape Moreton had a Morse Lamp. If this issue had been raised at the Inquiry it would have cast a very bad light on Queensland State-controlled Lighthouses. Hence the Lighthouse Act of 1911 and federalization.

I believe that subsequent to the Yongala disaster and high profile coverage of the inside passage dangers, ship masters were obliged to use the outside passage (which had been fully charted by this stage) and the role of Lighthouse at Grassy Island became defunct. There was no further use for a keeper or residents on the island. All signs of infrastructure must have been demolished over time.

Unless it was a lightship??

See important comments below. There was never a light nor a lightship. Thanks to the renowned maritime historian, Captain Stanley Robinson for his vital input.


Friday, 4 November 2016


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911. 

SYDNEY - Thursday - A young woman
made anxious inquiries at the offices of
the Adelaide Steamship Company today
as to whether any news was at hand 
regarding the Yongala, or if any bodies
from the wreck had been washed ashore.
She explained that she was to have been
married to the second-engineer Mr. J. F.
Donaldson, on the return of the Yongala
from the northern trip.

Many such heart-wrenching stories brought home the human element of the disaster and the waste of life.


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911.


As the cargo of the Yongala mainly consisted of produce there 
is no possibility of any search being made for salvage.
It will be remembered that after the Pericles struck a sunken
rock, and foundered off Cape Leeuwin, hundreds of boxes
of butter were discovered in the vicinity of the wreck, several
vessels being engaged in the search. This course will not 
be followed in the case of the Yongala, even if the wreck 
is located.The principal items in the manifest were flour, bran, 
fruit, pollard and potatoes. These would be so damaged by their 
immersion the in salt water that arrangements for salving would 
mean expenditure without any return.

This seems feasible on the surface but rather hasty considering that Yongala had disappeared only a week prior. The owners gave an impression of being adamant about this matter despite the financial loss - at least 40 000 pounds carried by the company. One would imagine that any form of recovery would be better than nothing. It's as though they did not want Yongala found, removing the all-important lure of salvage reward. Why? One could argue that they did not want any form of evidence that Yongala might simply have been overwhelmed by the storm rather than striking an object. As we know from the wreck site, Yongala did not strike anything and foundered at the mercy of the elements. This points to the tenderness factor! A group of adventurers found what must have been the Yongala site in November of 1911, a well-defined patch of oil rising from the depths at a location off Cape Bowling Green and within the steamer track. If salvage had been on the table I believe that there would have been adequate motivation to find proof of the wreck and cause of the disaster - which is certainly NOT what the owners wanted. How the plot thickened...

There is a source which suggests that there was more than just produce on board.


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911.

Mr. E. Northcote, general manager of the
Adelaide S S. Company, desires it to be
stated, in connection with the report of a
statement made by him in "The Argus'' of
yesterday, that he did not say that the
vessel had probably foundered with all
hands, but that after striking some reef
the Yongala probably foundered with all

On first inspection there hardly seems to be a difference between the two statements - Yongala foundered with all hands however that might have come about. But Mr. Northcote went so far as to ask The Argus to publish a correction. Why? There were rumours from the earliest stage after the disaster that Yongala was tender / unstable. The initial press release leaves the cause open to public imagination and sets the scene for a tricky Inquiry. Mr. Northcote realised that he would have to make the point quite clear that Yongala would have to have struck something to founder. Anything less would imply a slur on her seaworthiness. But the correction, in itself, was an insistence which should have had alarm bells ringing.

Great Barrier Reef from space


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 3 March, 1911.

Sydney, Thursday - An officer of the SS Grantala
which arrived in Sydney today, said that the vessel
was sheltering in Bowling Green Bay about the time
the Yongala should have been in that vicinity. So
thick were the rain squalls that no glimpse could
be obtained of the powerful light on Cape Bowling
Green, only five miles away. As to the stability of the
Yongala, the officer held no uncertain opinion. A finer
sea boat would be harder to find. Supporting that the
Yongala had been caught in the wind and was making
heavy weather of it, she would be alright as long as she
kept in deep water, but as soon as she touched a rock
either with her nose or keel, she would capsize almost
instantly, for the rock would prevent her righting, and
soon as she heeled over the numerous decks would
catch the wind and act like the planes of an aeroplane.
That is what probably happened, and in that case
nothing but what floated out through a hole in the
vessel's bottom would float to the surface. The officer
expressed the opinion that any disaster that occurred
in a ship of which Captain Knight was in command
was beyond the power of man to prevent.

This would certainly explain why the sound of a whistle followed by an explosion at Ayr was not associated with the flare of a socket signal and detonator. The argument that more Lighthouses along the Queensland coast would have prevented the disaster does not hold water under circumstances such as this. As it was, Yongala foundered within her designated course to Townsville. She was not blown off course.

The officer in question contradicted himself to some degree. After extolling the virtues of the Yongala he went on to say that her 'numerous decks (and prominent funnel) would catch the wind and act like the planes of an aeroplane'. This is a clear description of a steamer with a significant top hamper prone to heeling over. 

Cape Bowling Green Lighthouse.

Thursday, 3 November 2016


The Argus, Melbourne, Friday 31 March, 1911.


Captain Thompson, A.U.S.N.'s Wyreema:

"How do you account for the cargo from the lower
hold drifting ashore, if the vessel's bottom was not
ripped open?"

Captain Thompson replied that only those who had
encountered cyclones knew their terrific force. 'If the
seas broke on the Yongala, as they probably did, they
would smash her decks like an eggshell. That would
account for the cargo from the lower hold being afloat.
No vessel, however well found, could pass through the
centre of a cyclone. Being in a cyclone is like being inside
a drum. There is a terrific surging noise round you, as if
all the fields in Hades were yelling. It is like hell let loose.
The sea breaks in every direction at once, a heavy sea 
and wind are coming over on one side, and the next 
minute the sea and wind are coming from the other. 
If there is searoom you might get out of it, but if there
is no room you can only anchor and trust to Providence.
Where the Yongala was there was no searoom, only 
about 15 or 30 miles between the coast and the reefs.
As for the force of the wind, when I was with Professor
Agassie surveying the reefs, we came across the bones
of a whale 30 ft. long 18 ft. above the high water mark.
The rush of water from a cyclone must have pushed it
up there.' 
Yongala's wreck site is 11.5 n miles from Cape Bowling Green and 23 n miles from the Barrier Reef. Captain Thompson certainly knew what he was talking about! Such force could certainly have stoved in Yongala's after hatch, allowing an inundation of tons of water and liberation of cargo from the holds.