Tuesday, 8 November 2016


The Brisbane Courier, Friday 4 February, 1898.

Special advice, 3 p.m. .- The tropical 
disturbance named "Eline" is now central 200
miles east from Bowen, and has developed
dangerous energy. Shipping and all interested 
are advised. Coast districts a hundred miles 
inland between Rockhampton and Townsville 
will experience the western edge of " Eline." 
Vessels bound South from Townsville had better 
remain in Cleveland Bay, and those bound North
from Keppel Bay should also remain at anchor. 
The storm will probably recurve, and make 

In 1898 the Meteorological Bureau was able to predict a cyclone 200 miles east of the mainland! If this cyclone moved at the maximum speed of 30 miles per hour (see previous post) it would have taken it almost 7 hours to make the coast. This warning issued gave shipping along the Queensland coast plenty of time to seek anchorage or stay put in port. Why 13 years later was there a deficiency in the speed of the warning issued regarding the Yongala cyclone ?? Or was a warning even issued - until it was too late ?? 
Capemba, 11 p.m.

8 hours later !!
We have received special data from our
coast stations, to-night. A discussion of
these shows that the centre of the storm
"Eline" at 9 p.m. was about eighty miles
east from Bowen, where the standard
barometer at that hour, fully reduced, read
29.280 in.. 

In fact, by 9 pm, 6 hours later, the Bureau was able to advise that the cyclone was still 80 miles offshore. This suggests that the cyclone was moving at about 20 miles per hour. The technology was astounding for the era !!

Now, as the simultaneous reading at 
Rockhampton was 29.760 in., it shows
that gradients are very steep between Cape
Capricorn and Gloucester Island. Under
these circumstances, we again strongly 
repeat our warnings to shipping given in the
afternoon. No vessels that may be anchored 
in Keppel Bay, bound North, should proceed, 
and the same remark applies to those bound 
South that may be in Cleveland Bay. Highly 
dangerous seas are certain to obtain among 
the islands between the Keppel Group and 
Whitsunday Passage, with whole gales from 
east-south-east. High seas are reported from 
Bustard Head, but south from that point the 
weather has considerably moderated.--


Government Meteorologist.

This is a somewhat shocking expose. We know that data warning of a cyclone off Cape Upstart was already gathered by 9 am, 23 March, 1911. The cyclone struck at its worst by 11 pm, 14 hours later. In the above example the cyclone in question moving at 20 miles per hour would have made land by 1 am, the following day. The initial warning came at 3 pm, 10 hours earlier !! Extrapolating to the Yongala case, the warning should have been readily available to all shipping at Mackay and Townsville by the very latest, 1 pm, 23 March. Yongala departed Flat-Top at 1.40 pm and Grantala departed Townsville at 4 pm. Both these masters must have known about the cyclone warning and departed nonetheless !! 

But is this the full story ?? 

Read on...

The Brisbane Courier, Thursday 23 March, 1911.

Divisional Meteorological Office, March 22.
Meteorological Notes.-The general distribution
of atmospheric pressure over and around 
Australia has undergone very little change since
yesterday morning, so that in its principal features 
to-day's chart is very similar to yesterday's. The 
great anticyclone still covers the entire continent
except the Gulf country and Cape York Peninsula,
but its central area has moved a little to the rearward, 
and an extension has been thrown forward, which 
has caused barometers to rise rather sharply in a 
north-easterly direction, that is, through eastern 
Victoria and the coastal region as far north as the
tropic, the resulting strong and squally S. to S.E. 
winds and showery conditions along the New 
South Wales coast on the rear of the retreating Antarctic 
depression, and similar effects on the Queensland 
coast south from Broadsound, on the south-western 
edge of the tropical disturbance. This latter does not 
appear to be travelling towards the seaboard, but i
probably either stationary over the ocean between 
Queensland and New Caledonia, or moving on a 
south-easterly course at some distance from our 
coast line. According to this afternoon's reports the 
weather is still gloomy and unsettled, with rain 
threatening or falling, along the entire coast line, 
but the wind nowhere exceeds the velocity of a 
moderate breeze from between S.E. and E. The 
monsoonal tongue of low pressure still exists 
between Port Darwin, Burketown, and Torres Straits, 
but there are indications that it is developing energy, 
and scattered thunderstorms are not unlikely under
its influence on the Peninsula and around the Gulf 
during the next few days.

The following rainfalls were registered in
Queensland during the 24 hours ended 9 am.

Coastal - Central
Cape Capricorn 8            Aramac 28
Emu Park 43               Barcaldine 26
Port Alma 18               Lochnagar 27
Proserpine 6               Muttaburra 5
St. lawrence 7                Tangorin 40

The maximum temperature in Brisbane to-day
was 73.2 deg.
Forecast for Queensland for the 24 hours ending
noon on Thursday:- Cloudy along the eastern sea
board and thundery in Carpentaria, and on Peninsula, 
with further showers, chiefly north from the tropic; 
fine inland, but temperature moderate; S.E. winds, 
fresh on parts of the tropical coast.
Ocean forecasts and remarks on storms:- Some
fresh winds along the North Queensland coast.

The Mercury, Friday, 24 March, 1911.

Queensland - Cloudy with further rains
along the seaboard, unsettled on the 
peninsular with probability of stormy 
weather and heavy falls, fine inland 
with warmer temperatures,  SE winds.
Ocean forecasts and remarks on storms:
Squally off the SW coast of West Australia
Fresh south winds on the N coast of N. S.
Wales and on girths of Queensland coast with
rather rough seas. Indication of tropical
storm developing over the Queensland 

The Argus, Melbourne, 24 March, 1911.



Forecast by the Commonwealth Meteorologist
Mr. H. A. Hunt, Thursday 9 pm. (23 March)

"Fine throughout, some cloud in southern districts
and one or two misty showers along the coast. 
Variable winds tending east and northeast."

Queensland: cloudy with further rains along
seaboard: unsettled along Peninsular, with 
probability of stormy weather with heavy falls.
Fine inland, with moderate temperatures;
southeasterly winds.

And there you have it !! By as late as 9 pm, 23 March, Mr. Hunt of the Commonwealth Meteorological Bureau had issued no cyclone warning for the Queensland coast. 

At last we can fully understand why Captains Knight and Sim departed their respective ports into what turned out to be a cyclone striking the Queensland coast between Townsville and Mackay. No wonder Captain Knight thought he was outrunning a stormy frontal system and only discovered, when it was too late, that he was steaming into the heart of a hybrid cyclone. By this time when conditions had deteriorated dramatically, 11 pm, 23 March, there was nothing Captain Knight could have done, caught in no man's land, to avert the disaster fated for the Yongala and her souls.

Mr. Hunt messed up !! 

It must be noted that although there was no official cyclone warning, Bowen via Cape Bowling Green Lighthouse, issued a cyclone warning late 23 March (+/- 5 p.m.) which was sent to Brisbane and from there back to Flat Top and Townsville, too late for either Yongala or Grantala. If there had been communications linking Dent Island Lighthouse with the mainland, there might still have been a narrow window of opportunity to issue a warning to Yongala, by flag signals, as she passed at 5 p.m. - visibility reasonable.

None of this was explored at the Inquiry which potentially would have led back to an element of culpability on the part of the Queensland authorities.

This deficiency was neatly summed up in 1933:

Morning Bulletin, 10 February, 1933

On the same day, a small rotary
storm of great intensity was operating
about 130 miles north from Willis Is-
land. There was then no meteorological
station on Willis Island, so that no-
body knew of the storm's existence, and
even had its presence been suspected,
few people would have connected this
small, virulent body upwards of 1000
miles away with the proud steamer
which passed rapidly out of the Brisbane 
River to the open sea and sped 
northwards with her living freight.
On the 22nd at noon the Yongala
was not far from North Reef lighthouse.
A ship at sea really was more of a
colony in those days before wireless,
than now the ether carries its messages
of shore doings with incredible speed
and unswerving fidelity. The company
on board soon settled down to the en-
forced isolation from the kind, and
looked forward to the next port when
contact with world doings would be re-

By this time, the cyclone had moved 
on a south-south-west course, and was 
about 50 miles west south-west from Willis 
Island. These two strangely unlike bodies 
had moved much closer together in the last 
24 hours. Their paths were converging, and 
for a large ship and 120 souls the sands of 
life were running low.
On the morning of the 23rd the Yongala 
steamed into Flat Top, the anchorage at 
Mackay, where she landed 60 tons of cargo 
and some passengers. Whatever was the 
changing of personnel at Mackay, when the 
Yongala steamed away on her last journey at
1.40 p.m., she had on board 120 souls
made up of crew 72, 1st class passengers
29, and 2nd class passengers 19. About
two hours after she sailed the Meteorological 
Department at Melbourne advised coastal 
towns that cyclonic conditions prevailed 
between Mackay and Townsville. That 
warning was issued on data which were 
collected at 9 that morning and telegraphed 
to Melbourne.
The reason for this seems to have been
that Melbourne was the seat of the
Federal Government-that is to say, no
other reason worth considering has been
propounded. Whatever the reasons, the
facts were that the 9 a.m. readings
that day showed the existence of a
dangerous storm moving down on to the
coast, and a valuable ship and 120 lives
steamed to their doom, nearly five
hours after those observations were
taken without any warning reaching
them. Bureaucratic pundits in Mel-
bourne knew, but the master of a ship
on the Queensland coast with 120 lives
in his charge knew nothing of the menace 

courtesy Trove


The mercury, Hobart, Saturday 16 May, 1931.

Hurricanes No Longer
Experience of S.S. Macumba
Given sea room, the modern steamer is
not imperilled by the fiercest hurricane
which can strike the Queensland coast,
but a recent experience of the A.U.S.N.
Co.'s s.s. Macumba proves that science
has provided a comparatively easy means
of avoiding or nullifying even the most
intractable cyclone. Illustrating the
fact, Captain H. P. Upward takes readers
back to January 29 of this year.
Three factors figure in the Macumba's
feat of actually tracking a cyclone down
the Queensland coast - knowledge of the
law of storms, wireless, and the broad-
casting of advance reports from Willis
Island, 207 miles north-east from Townsville.

Captain Knight did not have the advantage of wireless and a timeous cyclone warning.
Captain Upward says that most of the
hurricanes which affect the Queensland
coast occur in January, February, and
March. They generally come from the
east, and approach the coast between
Townsville and Cooktown. Mostly they
recurve south-easterly, pass southwards,
frequently as far as Brisbane, then move
off E.S.E., increase in area, and disperse.

This would certainly explain why the SS Geelong was subjected to three days of stormy conditions, following roughly the path from Townsville down the coast to Carlisle Island.

Others recurve some distance from the
coast, near the Barrier Reef, passing
southward and eastward, without causing 
much damage. These fierce storms are one 
of Nature's rough blessings.
They bring heavy rain and prevent
droughts, more especially those which
cross Cape York and get away inland.
In order to make clear the Macumba's
successful strategy, it may be explained
that the tropical cyclone consists of an
atmospheric whirl, rotating clock-wise
in the Southern Hemisphere, with spirally
inflowing winds attaining destructive
velocities, ranging from 60 miles an hour 
to, in extreme cases, 120 miles, (Captain Sim 
reported that the winds were between 70 and 
80 miles per hour) while moving along this line 
or progression at a velocity of five to 30 miles
an hour. They were once supposed to be
perfectly round, but are now known to
resemble the shape of the earth - even

The 'cyclone' coming from the northeast, from the direction of Willis Island, would have taken approximately 1 to 6 hours to moved across the stretch of sea between the Barrier Reef and Cape Bowling Green - Cape Upstart. Captain Sim, anchored in Bowling Green Bay, reported that the worst of the gale was between 11 pm, 23 March and 3 am, 24 March - 4 hours. 

The destructive section of a cyclone
is frequently less than 100 miles wide.
If a ship is in the centre of the storm,
facing with it, there will be a semi-circle 
to right and left, of which the left semi-circle 
is the most dangerous. 

Knowledge of this simple fact enables a 
captain who is being overtaken by a cyclone 
to take his vessel into the right or less dangerous 

The Yongala wreck site is within the steamer track between the Whitsundays and Townsville. This suggests that Captain Knight was aware of the dangers associated with altering course closer to the mainland in order to seek shelter. He was also caught between a rock and a hard place, because altering course to approximate the right semi-circle (left-hand), would have taken Yongala too close to the Barrier Reef. He had no choice but to continue within the track on course for Townsville.

According to Captain Upward, a skipper has 
three ways of knowing that a cyclone is
coming his way: the barometer, a wireless 
warning, and the ship's cat. The last of the trio 
is said to be remarkably quick in its reactions 
to impending weather changes.

While the A.U.S.N. steamer was approaching 
Mackay on her last voyage north, very suspicious 
weather began, heavy rain squalls from the east, 
with a slightly falling barometer. On February 1, 
when the Macumba reached Townsville, there were 
strong indications of a cyclone to the north, on the
York Peninsula. The warning signal was hoisted at 
the harbour office, and a message was received that 
a hurricane had crossed the Peninsula from the
west, gone out to sea between Cooktown and Cardwell, 
and ran slowly moving eastward toward Willis Island.

The s.s. Morinda, bound for Townsville, was sheltering 
under Gloucester Head from heavy easterly gales. Wireless 
had enabled her to locate the centre of the cyclone,
and the rate of progression, and, wisely to take precautions.
Willis Island wireless gave technical particulars on February 2, 
which showed that the Morinda and Macumba were on the 
right semi-circle of the line of progression, and that the former's 
best plan was to run north, while the Macumba steamer cautiously 
southward in the wake of the disturbance.

How very interesting. The Morinda could represent the Yongala, running north, and the Macumba, representing the Grantala, proceeding cautiously southward and then taking shelter at Cape Bowling Green. This rationale would certainly explain Captain Knight's decision to 'run north'.
"We sailed at 4 p.m., keeping to a certain 
course," says Captain Upward, "and at 10 p.m.
passed the Morinda, bound north. The weather 
was clear, but a nasty easterly sea was making
both vessels roll heavily. At noon on February 3 
we were well down among the Whitsunday Islands, 
with the cyclone still showing signs of converging 
with our course. If the tendency continued, it was 
evident that we should have to ease up before reaching 
position at which we would come together.

This part of the coast is the most picturesque 
in Australian waters, owing to its miles and miles 
of island chains, which practically form inland seas.
What a grand tourist resort it would make ! On this 
special occasion, however, I was glad to be getting 
through with moderately clear weather, and was
not thinking of tourist possibilities. On February 4 
a course was shaped inside the Percy Islands. 
The barometer began to fall rapidly, and the ship 
was swept by thick blinding rain squalls of hurricane 
force. Owing to the indraft of the islands, it was very 
difficult to get a true direction of the wind, but it was 
obvious that we were getting too close on the heels 
of the cyclone, especially as the flood tide - a king one 
at that - would cause the storm to incline in our 
direction. I decided to anchor and stand by till daylight! 
It was some satisfaction later to know that other ships, 
ahead and more to the eastward of our position reported
by wireless that they were having a bad time, one captain 
stating that he had passed through the centre of the cyclone.

The barometer fell rapidly and blinding squalls predominated with difficulty establishing the true direction of wind. Such confusing horror. It is interesting to note that despite adequate wireless communication and warning, ships found themselves in the brunt of the cyclone and at least one in the centre. 
I was glad that I had not proceeded
until the storm had passed. At 5 a.m.,
the barometer started to rise slowly and
the weather to improve all round. The
wind got more westing in it, and the
cyclone ahead of us gradually curved 
out to sea and was finally reported to
be 100 miles east of Capricorn, moving
E.S.E., expanding and losing force.

Having remained at anchor 14 hours,
the vessel proceeded, and, except for
the expected rough seas, reached port
without trouble. Following as we were,
on the heels of a cyclone, it is necessary
to keep as much westerly as possible in
your wind and to watch your barometer

Advice to watch the barometer was perhaps the most important take-home message. 

It is interesting to note, in connection
with the barometer, that from 4 to 10,
a.m. and pm; the barometer usually
rises, while from 10 to 4 a.m. and p.m. 
it falls. This is called the diurnal range,
and is most pronounced in the Tropics,
amounting to about one-tenth of an
inch. The movement becomes very
irregular when a storm is impending,
and that is the time to keep a sharp
lookout and heed any wireless warnings.

Sensible guideline (so similar to that relating to the Koombana disaster - see Koombana Revisited). 
Incidentally, according lo Captain Upward, 
the ship's cat becomes as jumpy as the 
aneroid barometer!

Did Yongala have a 'ship's cat' ??

Morning Bulletin, 2 July, 1947.

Captain Rhodes says that the
current belief that no trace of the
Yongala was ever found is wrong,
as the sea between Cape Bowling
Green and Palm Islands was littered 
with wreckage, much of it being 
kerosene in the square tins of the 

He said that the cyclone was small, 
but of great intensity, the barometric 
gradients being so steep that there 
was a difference of an inch in the 
readings at Cape Bowling Green 
and at Townsville pilot station. The
path cut by the storm through the 
timber at the head up Upstart Bay, 
in which great trees twisted and 
shattered, was most impressive.

What Butler saw suggested that
the tornado swept through the 
Inkerman area on a 30 mile front to
the sea, crossing the coast between
Cape Upstart and Cape Bowling
green. On the northern side of Cape
Upstart there had been a large
landslide and trees uprooted, but
cut off clean about eight feet from
the ground. 

Monday, 7 November 2016


The following extract gives us an impression of the force of cyclones along the stretch of coast where Yongala foundered. The account started on Wednesday, 15 February, 1888 and ended in tragedy, Friday, 17 February. The storm system dragged on for three days in a swathe from Townsville to Carlisle Island - roughly 165 n miles. The winds, much like in the case of the Yongala, predominated from the south, and a dropping barometer signaled progression and worse to come. The SS Geelong, built in 1856, was a combination passenger/cargo steamer of 431 tons. Once caught in these 'cyclones' options were limited and in this case Captain Junner beached his steamer as a last resort.

The Argus, Melbourne, Tuesday 21 February, 1888.

The Geelong left Townsville on Wednesday
for Brisbane via Mackay, having on board
Mr John Bridge and about 12 steerage
passengers. Mr Bridge gives the following
account of the wreck of the Geelong - "I
left Townsville on Wednesday by the Geelong. 
The wind was then blowing rather heavily from 
the south with increasing force, and the progress 
of the vessel was consequently rather slow. The 
following day (Thursday) the weather was extremely 
rough. After passing through Whitsunday Passage
the storm was so violent that the Geelong made little 
progress. She was therefore brought to under the 
shelter of an island. The wind was then from the south, 
and  increasing every minute, but the water where the 
steamer was lying was comparatively calm. On Friday 
morning the storm was increasing, and it was impossible, 
by reason of the heavy driving rain and the sea breaking
over the vessel, to see the island, although we were quite 
close. The barometer was still falling between 3 and 4 
o'clock in the afternoon, showing that a worse storm had
yet to be experienced. The captain was in doubt as to the 
best course to pursue, as the storm was increasing and 
the anchors were dragging, the sea was breaking right
over the vessel, and night was coming on. He made 
various attempts to gain better shelter, but without avail. 
Finally he decided to beach the vessel in order to save
the lives of those on board, and at about 7 o'clock he ran 
her ashore on the island. The storm was so furious that I 
think, but for this action the steamer would certainly have
foundered. She went ashore pretty gently, there being about 
100 yards of water between the beach and the vessel when 
she struck. Captain Junner, without the slightest hesitation, 
jumped into the sea with a heaving line round his waist to 
which was attached a wire rope. This he made fast to the
shore, and by this means most of the crew and passengers 
were taken from the vessel. The captain went backwards
and forwards along the line, and never for one moment 
flagged in his exertions to save the lives of those under his 
charge. The engineer and a seaman tried to get ashore 
in a boat, but were immediately swamped  and drowned. 
The stewardess, in getting ashore, let go the rope, and 
was subsequently washed onto the beach in an insensible 
She revived after a few hours, and stated that
she was quite unconscious of what had taken
place after leaving the steamer's side. I did
not go ashore myself, but preferred to remain
on the vessel, as she seemed to be holding
together fairly well. l I stayed in my cabin
most of the time, until the storm increased
to such a height that I thought it advisable
to get on to the bridge, so as to be ready if 
the worst happened. I had the utmost difficulty 
in getting safely to the bridge, as the sea was 
washing right over the vessel, and I was knocked 
down several times, besides receiving severe 
blows from the wreckage which was being washed
about the deck. Soon after leaving my cabin, which 
was situated on the deck, it was washed away, and 
with it the whole of my baggage. I was left with the 
fur rug I had on me. I put a lifebelt round me, and 
remained on the bridge all night. As each person who 
went ashore by the line disappeared over the ship's side, 
it was quite impossible to see or know whether he had 
made the land in safety.  At about daylight the storm 
abated, and some of the passengers came back to 
look for their luggage. The You Yangs appeared at about 
9 am, on Saturday, and lay off the scene of the wreck
until 10 o'clock. The sea was then calm, and those who 
wished were taken on board the You Yangs. Captain Junner 
exhibited courage and presence of mind of the highest
order throughout the whole affair. He was about the only 
man on board who seemed to know what to do, and he 
behaved like a Briton.
His behaviour was quite on a par with his action in connection 
with the wreck of the Cahors when he was mate of the Burwah.
One of the officers and a few of the crew remained on the vessel 
instead of going ashore."
Fortunately the cargo of the Geelong this trip was small, 
consisting of nine and a half tons of sugar, one ton of tin ore, 
some bananas, and a few empty cases. The Geelong is lying 
on the rocks at the island with a boulder through her bottom, 
but it is considered possible that she may be got off at high tide. 
The captain of the You Yangs left provisions for those who remained 
in charge of the Geelong. 
Yesterday Mr Fairland telegraphed to Mackay for the agents to send 
the tender Iceberg to the scene of the wreck.

SS Geelong - courtesy wrecksite.eu